Lake Kachess Water Level

Home     Historical     Data

Minimum and Maximum Levels By Year

How to read this chart

  • Max - This is the maximum lake fill level for a given year. So for instance in 1957, the lake was filled almost to the top.
  • Min - This is the lowest point the lake gets to for a given year. So for instance in 1994 the lake got to its lowest level of -61 feet down.

Surface Level - Last 20 Years

How to read this chart

  • This shows the full data over the last 20 years.
  • The longer the time period, the harder to read, so I'm limiting to 20 years.

When Does Does It Bottom Out Each Year?

How to read this chart

  • This is a histogram showing when the lake reaches its lowest level each year.
  • October is generally the low point for the year, after the summer drawdown, and before the winter rains.
  • When you see January, that probably means that last year's lowpoint is lower than the normal October drawdown low for the current year.

Frequency: Highest and Lowest Levels

How to read this chart

  • These charts are histograms of the lowest and highest levels for each year.
  • For instance, the highest level is usually 5 feet down or higher. In other words, most of the time the lake gets pretty close to full.
  • Not surprisingly, the lowest level has a much wider distribution. Almost 10% of the time it is over 60 feet down. But over 30%% of the time it never gets less than 30 feet down. (Here I summed the percentages in the last theree columns of the second chart.)

Feetdown Per Year

Yellow is Summer - Memorial Day to Labor Day

How to read this chart

  • This shows the full data over the full range, yearly.
  • The yellow is summer - Memorial Day to Labor Day
  • Y-axis is feetdown
  • X-axis is month: Jan (1) to Dec (12)